Academic and non-academic partners

A key characteristic of INDIGO is to be strongly biased towards scientific excellence and innovation and this is reflected by the composition of the consortium that is made for the 80% of academic and research-intensive partners with a strong track record in international collaborative R&I projects and for the remaining 20% is made by non-academic institutions, i.e., CRIDA and RIX, that bring to the table the fundamental connection with the airport industrial and operational aspects. The project brings together the aircraft and the airport elements into a cohesive and original approach to addressing the local air quality in terms of chemical and noise emissions and impact on airports’ environment. The INDIGO approach has a significant inclination towards the aircraft technologies with a view on how their TRL escalation could open the way to quieter and cleaner airport operations and environment. 65% of the consortium is made by partners with a specific expertise and track record in aircraft technologies such as innovative propulsive systems and aerostructures, i.e. CIRA, RUB, UC3M, RUB, TUBS, DLR and half of the UST team, the remaining 35% has instead skills and expertise that will contribute to the airport element of the project in relation to new concepts of operations, the evaluation of noise and pollution maps and the ICAO CAEP and EURO-CONTROL initiatives, i.e. CRIDA, RIX, BSC and the other half of UST.